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Friday, May 24, 2024

Come To Jesus Part 12 Come By Prayer


I’m Duane Matz and welcome to Today’s Living Word.

Come To Jesus day 12: Come By Prayer! Thoughts prompted from the Neuman Hall Devotional booklet “Come To Jesus”  published in 1848!


God invites, no, even commands us to pray to Him! “Call upon Me in the day of trouble,” “watch and pray,” “pray without ceasing.” And many other such passages in Scripture make that clear.


Prayer requires no fine, flowery, well-arranged sentences, sprinkled with these and thous! It does not require perfect grammar and stellar oratory skills. Prayer begins with the understanding that you are approaching a holy God! “And Moses said to Aaron, "This is what the LORD spoke, saying: 'By those who come near Me I must be regarded as holy; (Lev 10:3)


He is holy! But you can come to Him through the blood of His holy Son, Jesus. He is all powerful and able to do something about your situation. Let your heart speak through your mind and your lips. Can’t find the words? The Holy Spirit is here to help.


As Moses was concerned about his oratory skills, God gave him a helper in his brother Aaron to supply the words. He will do the same for you.


God hears prayers whether uttered in a temple or in an alley. You may think you are too vile a sinner to pray, pray anyway. The simple prayer of the tax collector goes a long way. “Have mercy on me a sinner.”


Make prayer a regular habit rather than a sporadic plea only uttered when trouble strikes. Rise before the work of the day begins that you may have time to pray. Lay open your heart before God!


Confess your sins and cry out for pardon. Read the Bible (it is God speaking to you!) Ask God for the holiness which is commanded there.  Say, Lord, I am ignorant, teach me! My heart is hard, cause it to be softened. Help me to come to Jesus for all the help I need today!  


Pray pilgrim, call on Jesus whenever He might call upon you today as life (providence) happens. Help me to believe, love, and obey Him through it all!


I’m Duane Matz and that’s Today’s Living Word

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